Jane Wilson - Private Speech Therapist

Nottinghamshire based, National reach


Jane Wilson, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

MMed, BMed, PGCert


Speech & Language Therapy

Because every child deserves a voice

Read my 5* reviews here

I have been lucky to work with some brilliant children’s therapy teams during my time with the NHS. I have a huge amount of experience and expertise that I am ready to share with you all!

I have worked in mainstream schools, early years settings, community clinics and specialist clinics. I have delivered training to parents, teachers, teaching assistants, childminders and other early years practitioners.

I have been the lead for several Speech & Language therapy teams and strive to provide the best care that I can in line with current best practice guidelines. I have sat with the governing bodies of schools and local authorities and advised regarding pathways and provision.

I am committed to make a difference and reaching as many children, families and practitioners as I can to ensure that our children have the very best start in life!

I am a specialist Speech & Language Therapist registered with the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT), The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) and governed by the Health & Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

If you need help with anything Speech and Language related please get in touch! Pop me an email jane@littleorchardchildren.co.uk or click the button below.

I’d love to hear from you!


How I became a Speech & Language Therapist


I grew up in beautiful North Wales with my two younger sisters my parents and too many animals to mention. I had speech sound difficulties as a child, growing up this impacted on my communication confidence. I received speech and language therapy from a wonderful lady called Joan Hodges. This lady helped me with my speech gave me the confidence to talk and inspired me in so many ways. I often think of her and wonder what she would think of me doing what I do now!

Growing up, my Mum owned and ran a private day care setting which is probably where my interest in child development stems from. She supported so many young children and gave them unconditional love and support. She also supported many early years practitioners throughout her years as an educator. Her business was called ‘Berllan Bach’ which translates from Welsh as ‘Little Orchard’.

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Like many young adults leaving school I was unsure what I wanted to do so followed my academic strengths in sciences and studied Biomedical Sciences at Keele University. I worked in medical research for several years and then decided to take some time out to travel. I completed a TEFL teaching course and secured a teaching position in South Korea where I stayed for three fabulous years. I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed teaching! It was during this time that I had my light bulb moment! I realised that I could combine my interest in childhood development, speech therapy and teaching with my academic strengths in science.

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Whilst still living in South Korea I applied for a place on the masters course at The University of Sheffield. I was interviewed and secured a place on their prestigious Masters programme. I was fortunate enough to be taught by some of the lead professionals in the field of Speech and Language Therapy. Soon after graduating I begin my professional journey with the NHS. Over the years I have been fortunate to work with many fabulous therapy teams and with with many inspiring Speech and Language Therapist who helped to shape me as a therapist.


After having my third daughter in 2019 I found it increasingly difficult to get the right work life balance. I was spending too long in the car away from home and away from my family. I always felt like I was juggling so many balls and not doing a good enough job at work or at home. That’s when I decided to take the plunge and leave the NHS. I initially registered as a childminder so that I could use my skills whilst being at home with my youngest and still earn some income. In the background I was working away on my passion; Speech & Language Therapy.


Online Speech & Language Therapy

Because every CHILD deserves a VOICE.


Our name; Little Orchard Children, a nod to my childhood and the name of my Mums childcare business all those years ago!

Our logo; the apple tree, represents the language tree and so…

Little Orchard Children, Speech & Language Therapy (LOCSALT) was created!

I am a specialist Speech & Language Therapist registered with the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT), The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) and governed by the Health & Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

If you need help with anything Speech and Language related please get in touch! Pop me an email jane@littleorchardchildren.co.uk or click the button below.

I’d love to hear from you!